December 27, 2019

Virtual Assembly

Looking for a fun unique way to encourage, empower, and help relieve some stress for students during testing season? This motivating show will pump your students up full of positive vibes as they prepare for their upcoming tests. This presentation can will be viewed and enjoyed by students participating in remote distance learning and in-person instruction.

During our Virtual Test Preparation Assembly, we use a motivational speaker, hilarious mascot, interactive games, upbeat music, and comedic illustrations. Students will be encouraged and empowered on the day of the test as we use an acrostic of the world READY.

R – Reach

Set high goals. Do better than the year before. Don’t just pass the test, but do very well on the test.

E– Erase

Think positive things.  Encourage yourself. Encourage each other. Don’t worry. If you get to a challenging problem; relax, remain calm, and breathe.

A– Apply

Remember the test taking strategies. Study (All students take practice questions during the year,) Practice makes improvement. Sleep. Get a complete nights rest. Eat. Eat a complete breakfast the day of the test.

D– Do Your Best

Give 100%. When you give your best you get the best results.

Y– You Can

Believe in yourself. We believe in you. The teachers are here to support the students. We are here to support the students. We want the best for the students and their bright futures. 

During the 46 minute presentation our team will educate, empower, and entertain the students by using interactive games, comedic skits, and memorable illustrations that will be sure to leave a lasting impactful message.

How does this work?

Many schools are doing school virtually over ZOOM. Our team will host private password protected virtual room and will share the presentation via screen share.

Why a pre-recorded show?

This allowed our team to add many different effects, transitions, games, skits, costumes, and creativity that will surely get your students pumped up, focused, and engaged. We wanted to make sure the quality of the value and content was consistent with our live in-person performances. Also, this helps to alleviate numerous technical issues that could arise during a virtual presentation. (Let’s face it, technology can get messy.)

Is it still interactive?

Yes!!! Our presentation is delivered in a way that will get students moving, grooving, and repeating the message back to the screen. Our speaker has constant call to actions through the entire program. The program was created specifically for the students to participate and repeat the talking points.

How long does it last?

The video presentation from start to finish is 46 minutes. This is including a brief intro/countdown and credits. We want to make sure everyone is logged in, ready, and we’d hate for anyone to miss any of the excitement. We will begin once we receive confirmation that all the students are present or at the designated start time.

Can a teacher/admin/PTA representative pre-screen the performance?

Absolutely. We understand that a Virtual Experience is still new for many. We want to make sure you are comfortable with the quality of our service. We will arrange a time that works for both parties. A full video link will not be posted online.